Triangular Frame into 3 Congruent Parts

Cut this figure into 3 congruent parts (identical in area and shape) so that each of them includes a diamond.

Train Set Bonanza

Sam has never felt happier around his Birthday time. Dad just bought him 20 cars for his toy train set, spending $20 because they were on sale. There were locomotives ($4 each), passenger cars ($50 each), and freight cars ($25 each). Can you figure out the exact numbers of each type of car Sam got?

3 Numbers: x, 2x, 3x

Place digits 1 through 9 in three rows in order to get three 3-digits numbers, so that the 2nd row number is twice bigger than the top one, and the bottom row number - thrice bigger than the top one.

5, 11, 23... Fill the Gap

What number should go instead of the question mark to complete the sequence?

Four 7's to make 100

It is possible to get 100 by placing two arithmetic signs somewhere between these four sevens. What are the signs and where they should go?

TriCounting: Sectioned Trapezium

How many triangles are in this figure? Select a triangle and click the "Count" button.

TriCounting: Rectangle in Triangle

How many triangles are in this figure? Select a triangle and click the "Count" button.

Magic Circle: 1 to 11

Place the numbers from 1 through 11 in the circles so that the numbers in every 3 circles on a straight line total 18.

Product & Sum

Place digits 1-9 into the spots so that the entire math expression shown here is correct.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9 to 100

Digits 1-9, when added together, produce 45. By replacing one plus with another arithmetic sign, it is possible to get 100. Which plus and with what sign must be replaced?

$5 in Hundred Coins

When Black Bart took the Denver stagecoach for the 13th time, his luck finally ran out. The only cash he found was in the merchant's travel bag, and it was $5, all in coins. There were exactly 100 coins, though not a single nickel or quarter. Can you determine their quantities?

Hourglasses: 5-min Egg

You must boil an egg for exactly 5 mins. All you have is a 3-min and a 4-min hourglasses. How many times will you need to turn each hourglass in order to measure 5 mins?