Eight Stars in a Circle
Divide the circle into 4 areas, of the same shape and size, each containing TWO stars.
From 1 to 100
There is quite a prompt way to calculate a total of all the numbers from 1 to 100. Can you, using only 0's and 1's, fill in the gaps in the formula to reach the total?
Ice Cream into 6 Congruent Parts
Cut this ice-cream-like shape into six congruent parts, each of which would contain a strawberry.
Tower Clock's Magical Dial
An unusual hexagon-shaped clock has been installed on a city hall tower. It happened to have an interesting feature. It is possible to rearrange its numbers in such a way that the total along each side is 17. Can you achieve this, knowing 12, 5, and 9 remain unmoved?
4 Screws - 4 Parts
Cut this square plate into four congruent parts, each of which would contain a screw.
Playing Cards' Magic Square
Place ten playing cards, from Ace to 10 (Ace counting as 1) into the cells of this square frame, so that the cards' values along each of the four sides of the frame add up to 18.
2, 3, 4, 5 to a Valid Equation
Place digits 2, 3, 4, 5 and signs "+" and "=" somewhere in the grid so that to get a valid equation.
Star Strips
Rearrange the strips so that a perfect six-pointed star would appear. In the correct composition the strips will change their color into green.
Square 5x5 into 4x4 and 3x3 Squares
Cut the 5x5 square into 4 rectangular parts which would make a 4x4 and a 3x3 square when rearranged.
4 Rays in Triangle: Counting Triangles
How many triangles can you count here?
Turning the Cards
Turn two ADJACENT cards at 180 degrees so that the number of right-side-up hearts on all 8 cards is the same as the number of upside-down hearts. Which two cards should be turned?
12 Numbers & 2 Circles
Place numbers 1-12 into two circles so that the total in the outer circle is twice bigger than the total in the inner circle. NOTE: digits in the small circle must be consecutive.