The Forest Labyrinth
Tagged as a peaceful "meander with intention" amongst the trees, the Forest Labyrinth is a delightful serpentine path threaded organically between the trees in a woodland nature setting. A wide path of pine needles helps make it accessible to a broad range of people and ages, and offers a quiet and comfortable walk. The pattern, inspired by the famous Chartres Cathedral labyrinth, is designed to gently disorient you in hopes you will trust it to take you where it leads.
The Forest Labyrinth is located on private land but was created to be shared in the interests of peace and human connection. As such, there is no cost to visit. For some it is a spiritual tool, for some a walking meditation, or for others a journey of personal inquiry. But it need be nothing more than a peaceful walk in the woods.
There is no right or wrong way to walk a labyrinth. Most important is to experience your experience, so consider these simply as suggestions to add meaning to your walk:
- Prior to entering, set an intention or consider an issue or question requiring clarity. At centre, be mindful to insight in whatever form it may occur.
- Recite a prayer or mantra, sing a special phrase, as you walk.
- Do what feels natural, move at the pace your body wants to, which could vary over the course of the walk.
- Try to minimize thinking, maximize perceiving.
- Consider all aspects of the experience as a metaphor, a mirror on life and/or life circumstances.
- Walk around the perimeter before or after the labyrinth walk if you feel like some buffer time to set intention or integrate your experience.
Within steps of the Forest Labyrinth is a spacious, bright yurt with large panoramic windows offering up a view of the trees and the labyrinth. That yurt is available for booking through SoulTrail so you can create a custom day retreat for yourself and up to 4 others.
Guided tours in the labyrinth are available for booking.
A very unusual combination of trees and stones make the Forest Labyrinth a really unique experience.
Working Hours
Since the labyrinth is located on a residential property, you are asked to book your visit in advance. But no need to pin down a specific time, simply choose morning, afternoon or evening and visit anytime during that period.
Owen Sound - 20 min drive southwest
Ontario N4K 2H4