Puzzle Classics Online

Puzzle classics

Puzzle classics with interactive A, B, C, D buttons


Puzzle classics

Puzzle classics with interactive A, B, C, D buttons

#79 Jan 31, 2022
A regular hexagon circumscribes a circle, which circumscribes another regular hexagon. The inner hexagon has an area of 3 square units. What is the area of the outer hexagon?
#78 Jan 28, 2022
The ladybug wants to reach aphid as quickly as possible. Interestingly, the marked path is not the shortest route possible.How many shortest routes the ladybug can take from its current spot?
#77 Jan 27, 2022
If you add the age of a man to the age of his wife you get a combined age of 91. He is now twice as old as she was when he was as old as she is now.What is the difference between their ages?
#76 Jan 27, 2022
How many regular hexagons are there in this figure?
#75 Jan 26, 2022
An animal lover has seven pets. Some are cats, the rest are dogs. Each dog eats five biscuits and each cat four biscuits. 32 biscuits in all are eaten. How many dogs and how many cats are there?
#74 Jan 24, 2022
On the 1st day the beanstalk increased its height by half, on the 2nd day by a third, on the 3rd day by a quarter, and so on. In how many days its height would reach 100 times its original height?
#73 Jan 24, 2022
At a secret meeting, everyone shakes hands exactly once with every other person present. Altogether there are 45 handshakes. How many people attended the meeting?
#72 Jan 22, 2022
After the field trip to a science museum, two schoolgirls were riding the light rail train back from the downtown to their home suburb station.“I notice,“ one of the girls said, “that the incoming tra...
#71 Jan 21, 2022
How many equilateral triangles can be spotted in the diagram carved on this stone?
#70 Jan 20, 2022
A dealer bought a painting for $70, sold it for $80, bought it back for $90, and sold it again for $100. How much profit did he make?
#69 Jan 19, 2022
How many darts/arrows are needed to score exactly 100 on this target?
#68 Jan 18, 2022
Complete this sequence.What number should go into the final circle?
#67 Jan 18, 2022
A man ate one hundred grapes in five days, each day eating six more than on the previous day.How many grapes did he eat on the first day?
#66 Jan 15, 2022
What number should be placed in the lower right cell to complete the entire square logically?
#65 Jan 15, 2022
Reading from left to right can you restore the next two letters of this simple mnemonic?What are the missing two letters?
#64 Jan 14, 2022
If to the numerator and denominator of the fraction 1/3 you add its denominator, 3, the fraction will double.Find a fraction which will:A. Triple when its denominator is added to its numerator and its...
#63 Jan 14, 2022
How many pluses should we put between the digits of 987,654,321 to get a total of 99, and where?There are two solutions to this puzzle. What is the biggest 2-digit number spotted in any of those solut...
#62 Jan 13, 2022
Five 3s can express 37, using 3 arithmetic signs:33 + 33 + 3/3 = 37Can you use just 2 arithmetic signs to get 37 out of the five 3s? What are the signs?
#61 Jan 11, 2022
What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish?What letter this object typically starts with?
#60 Jan 11, 2022
What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat?
#79 | Jan 31, 2022
A regular hexagon circumscribes a circle, which circumscribes another regular hexagon. The inner hexagon has an area of 3 square units. What is the area of the outer hexagon?
#78 | Jan 28, 2022
The ladybug wants to reach aphid as quickly as possible. Interestingly, the marked path is not the shortest route possible.How many shortest routes the ladybug can take from its current spot?
#77 | Jan 27, 2022
If you add the age of a man to the age of his wife you get a combined age of 91. He is now twice as old as she was when he was as old as she is now.What is the difference between their ages?
#76 | Jan 27, 2022
How many regular hexagons are there in this figure?
#75 | Jan 26, 2022
An animal lover has seven pets. Some are cats, the rest are dogs. Each dog eats five biscuits and each cat four biscuits. 32 biscuits in all are eaten. How many dogs and how many cats are there?
#74 | Jan 24, 2022
On the 1st day the beanstalk increased its height by half, on the 2nd day by a third, on the 3rd day by a quarter, and so on. In how many days its height would reach 100 times its original height?
#73 | Jan 24, 2022
At a secret meeting, everyone shakes hands exactly once with every other person present. Altogether there are 45 handshakes. How many people attended the meeting?
#72 | Jan 22, 2022
After the field trip to a science museum, two schoolgirls were riding the light rail train back from the downtown to their home suburb station.“I notice,“ one of the girls said, “that the incoming tra...
#71 | Jan 21, 2022
How many equilateral triangles can be spotted in the diagram carved on this stone?
#70 | Jan 20, 2022
A dealer bought a painting for $70, sold it for $80, bought it back for $90, and sold it again for $100. How much profit did he make?
#69 | Jan 19, 2022
How many darts/arrows are needed to score exactly 100 on this target?
#68 | Jan 18, 2022
Complete this sequence.What number should go into the final circle?
#67 | Jan 18, 2022
A man ate one hundred grapes in five days, each day eating six more than on the previous day.How many grapes did he eat on the first day?
#66 | Jan 15, 2022
What number should be placed in the lower right cell to complete the entire square logically?
#65 | Jan 15, 2022
Reading from left to right can you restore the next two letters of this simple mnemonic?What are the missing two letters?
#64 | Jan 14, 2022
If to the numerator and denominator of the fraction 1/3 you add its denominator, 3, the fraction will double.Find a fraction which will:A. Triple when its denominator is added to its numerator and its...
#63 | Jan 14, 2022
How many pluses should we put between the digits of 987,654,321 to get a total of 99, and where?There are two solutions to this puzzle. What is the biggest 2-digit number spotted in any of those solut...
#62 | Jan 13, 2022
Five 3s can express 37, using 3 arithmetic signs:33 + 33 + 3/3 = 37Can you use just 2 arithmetic signs to get 37 out of the five 3s? What are the signs?
#61 | Jan 11, 2022
What has cities, but no houses; forests, but no trees; and water, but no fish?What letter this object typically starts with?
#60 | Jan 11, 2022
What is 3/7 chicken, 2/3 cat, and 2/4 goat?

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We’ve gathered a collection of the most “classic” brainteasers which survived through years and continents. We’ve added visuals and some options for your convenience to solve them online. You will recognize a lot of them, though some of these brain teaser puzzles can happen to appear rather “new” to you due to the twist(s) in their particular interpretation(s).

Among the brain teasers in this collection you will find lateral thinking puzzles, visual puzzles, spatial puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, logic puzzles and much more.

A good portion is about math riddles. A bunch of geometry puzzles.

Among the best brain teaser puzzles you would find such classics as:

- Eight Queens Puzzle

- A Chessboard and Grains of Rice

- Hotel Guests and Extra $1

- The 1st Riddle of the Sphinx

- The 2nd Riddle of the Sphinx

- Six Glasses Problem

- Dissecting a Horseshoe

- The Wolf, Goat and Cabbage Challenge

Enjoy both the solving and the recognition processes of these “good old” mind puzzlers!